Who we are.
Our website askdigital.gr constitutes the online presence of the company with the following information:
Internet website creation services
20 Fokionos, Piraeus Postal Code: 18545
VAT number: 801545417, DOΥ: A’ Piraeus
PHONE: 2102207419
What personal information do we collect and why.
Google analytics / Google tag manager
For the purposes of recording traffic statistics of our website, cookies from the Google Analytics service are used through the Google Tag Manager tool. The statistics recorded are kept for 24 months. You can read google’s terms of use here
In case you wish to disable cookies for google analytics, contact us.
Contact forms
In the contact form we receive your email and your name so that we can contact you. Your details are not used for any other reason. Emails sent through the form remain in our email and are not deleted, unless requested by the sender.
Embedded content from other websites
The only content from a third-party site that is integrated into our site is the google maps map that contains our business logo for communication purposes. You can read google’s terms of use here
With whom we share personal data.
With nobody
Right to erasure.
In the event that a visitor to our website wishes to delete an email sent through the contact form, they can contact us at 2102207419
For any matter concerning your personal data, you can contact the DPO Konstantinos Sofianos on the phone 2102207419 and the email [email protected]